Tamil Nadu Iyarkai Velan Koottamaipu (TNIVK) is a collective working on promoting organic agriculture in Tamil Nadu. The collective has organic farmers, civil society organisations, farmer producer organisations, social enterprises, academic institutions, activists, women's groups, individual experts in organic farming, seed conservator groups and consumer organisations etc.
What do we stand for?
- Farmer’s well-being especially women and small farmers
- Safe Food and Nutritional security for all
- Embrace diversity of crops, farm practices and farmers
- Decentralisation and Localisation of markets
- Environmental sustainability
Working Groups
A consistent and systematic approach is needed to carry the organic agriculture movement forward. By creating multi-disciplinary, collectively-functioning flat structures, TNIVK is hoping that the existing expertise and talent within Tamil Nadu can be properly harnessed in this field. Thematic (functional) Working Groups have been formed with their respective convenors to take up various activities for promotion of organic agriculture.
Are you an Organic Farmer? - Register here
Are you an Organic Farming trainer/ Bulk buyer of organic produce/ Organic Processing and value addition facility/ Interested in organising weekly local organic markets/ Interested in organising Organic Farmer's discussion forum? - Register here
Are you interested in volunteering for promoting organic agriculture in Tamil Nadu? - Register here
Contact us
Address: 17/10, 28th Cross St., Indira Nagar, Adyar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600020
Phone: 91-8939138207 / 91-9962043710
Email: tnivk2023@gmail.com